Lanzhou's Tech Blog

记录漫漫长路上每日所学所思 | It's a long way to the top (if you wanna learn how to code)

DevOps 01 - Linux

1 Linux introduction 1.1 History of Unix & Linux 1.1.1 UNIX development history 1.1.2 Linux history and different versions 1.2 O...


很久之前就通过Ted Talk了解到“每个月尝试一件新鲜事”或者“每个月尝试坚持一个小习惯”的生活方式(Try something new for 30 days - Matt Cutts & 12 Habits That Changed My Life),但没有什么机会实际践行,今年九月份开始机缘巧合体验了类似的生活,觉得很有意思,做些所思所想的记录。 九月,宜步行 事情发生在...


贴一张美丽米法的照片 玩《塞尔达 旷野之息》的时候在游戏论坛读到这样一句话:最幸福的时候就是有塞尔达玩的时候。 与有此感叹的玩家一样,我也同样在探索海拉鲁大陆的过程中收获了超多幸福感,就好像在游玩过程中真正的生活在另一个世界,可以真正看见那个世界的风景,在瀑布下抬头可以看到彩虹色的光晕,耳边是风声、水声……一切来自那个异世界大自然的声音。最震撼的体验是傍晚偶然间经过一片湖泊,在桥上突然...


之所以想到标题的问题是因为…… 本地运行Jekyll博客时遇到了新的Error message 面对周末墨尔本的lockdown非常绝望,而众所周知抵御绝望最好的方法就是(打游戏)努力学习! 所以我打开电脑准备整理近期学到的内容并更新之前发布的博文。 今天遇到的Bug: 发现今天使用的电脑中的本地Jekyll博客repo并不包含最新内容,所以从远端git pull,确定更新了本地rep...

Set Up Google Analytics (Universal Analytics & GA4) for my tech blog

What is Google Analytics? Google Analytics is a platform that can help developers and business owners to collect and analyze data. Take my tech blog as an example. I am most interested in data r...

调整IntelliJ IDEA菜单栏及编辑器字体大小

调整调整IntelliJ IDEA菜单栏及编辑器字体大小 About IntelliJ IDEA: IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1.2 Ultimate Edition Mac系统 菜单栏 (Mac菜单栏)IntelliJ IDEA -> Preferences -> Appearance & Behavior -> Appearance 修...

OOP style Minesweeper console game written in C#

I made a simple object-oriented Minesweeper console app (a hardcore old school PC game). What have I learned in this project? I listed some of the main learning content during this time, including...

My learning journey as a protege developer

What I learned as a Protege Developer Keywords: Language: C# JavaScript TypeScript HTML CSS Ruby Markdown Framework: React Ruby on Rails Dotnet Tool/Skill: Docker B...


Markdown是一种用于写作的轻量级“标记语言”,这个博客网站的每一篇博客的格式都是.md即markdown文件。熟练掌握Markdown格式就可以轻松地在IDE(比如VS Code)里直接编写博文了,无需使用Jekyll-admin插件。此外GitHub Repo的README说明文档大部分也是Markdown格式。很多流行的笔记软件也支持Markdown语法。 常用方法: 标题 在标...

Commonly used Git commands

What is Git? Git is the most commonly used distributed version-control system for tracking changes in source code during software development. Why do we need to do version control? Well, this is...