Useful slack tips

Posted by Lanzhou on November 2, 2022

Useful slack tips

  1. Shortcuts
    • Check Keyboard Shortcuts - command + ?
    • Read saved items - command + shift + s
      • Can save items you want to read later
    • Open threads - command + shift + t
    • Navigate channels - option + up / down
    • Edit last message - command + up
    • Add emoji to the last message +:dog
  2. Set reminder
    • /remind me to share brilliant idea with video in 4 days
    • or /remind Enter, add time, and content
  3. Search your history like a pro
    • command + g
    • “keyword” from: @somebody
    • "keyword" in: #channel after: 2020
    • "keyword" in: #channel before: 2020
    • "keyword" in: #channel during: 2020
    • has:link
    • has: :emojiname:
  4. Emoji
    • Custom emojis: Customize … → emoji → custom emoji
    • You can hover over or tap and hold reactions(on your phone) in a conversation to see who added them.
  5. Slash pro
    • /dnd 1 hour → do not disturb
    • /remind help
    • /remind list
    • /active /away
    • /collapse /expand
  6. Schedule a message
    1. Click the compose button or open the conversation where you’d like to send your message;
    2. Type your message in the field;
    3. Click the arrow icon to the right of the paper plane icon;
    4. Choose a date and time from the list or select Custom time.
  7. Format message
    • Copy link → select text → paste link (avoid long url)
    • Use dot points can make message clearer to read.
    • If asking for help, follow this template:
      • “I’m trying to do…”
      • “I did A and I expected B to happen, but instead …”
      • “I’ve tried X, Y and Z to fix it, but …”
      • “Could this be because of …?”
      • (These are also good questions to ask yourself to organize your thoughts when debugging!)