DevOps 04 - AWS advanced

Posted by Lanzhou on February 13, 2022

Research summary:

  • Auto Scaling Groups (ASGs)
  • Load Balancers
  • CDNs

Why we need to learn these concepts/services?

1 Auto Scaling Groups

1.1 ASG

Using Auto Scaling to Provide Elasticity


Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling

  • Launches or terminates instances based on specified conditions
  • Automatically registers new instances with load balancers when specified
  • Can launch across Availability Zones

Way to Auto Scale

  • Scheduled
    • Good for predictable workloads
    • Scale based on time or day
    • Use case: Turning off your Dev and Test instances at night
  • Dynamic
    • Excellent for general scaling
    • Supports target tracking
    • Use case: Scaling based on CPU utilization
  • Predictive
    • Easiest to use
    • Machine learning based scaling
    • Use case: No longer need to manually adjust rules

Auto Scaling - Purchasing Options

  • On-Demand Instances
  • Reserved Instances
  • Spot Instances

Auto Scaling Minimum Capacity

Auto Scaling group defines:

  • Desired capacity
  • Minimum capacity
  • Maximum capacity

What would be a good minimum capacity to set it to?

What would be a good maximum capacity to set it to?

Auto Scaling Considerations

  • You might need to combine multiple types of autoscaling
  • Your architecture might require more hands scaling using Step scaling
  • Some architectures need to scale on 2 or more metrics (not just CPU)
  • Try to scale out early and fast, while scaling in slowly over time????
  • Use lifecycle hooks - perform custom actions as Auto Scaling launches or terminates instances
  • Avoid thrashing (aggressive instance termination)

Scale in and scale out??

Scale out - more instances

Scale in - less intances (terminate some instances)

Load Balancers

Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)

A managed load balancing service that distributes incoming application traffic across multiple Amazon EC2 instances, containers, and IP addresses.

  • The idea is traffic distribution as a service.

ELB: Features

  • Use HTTP, HTTPS, TCP and SSL (secure TCP) protocols.
  • Can be external or internal facing
  • Each load balancer is given a DNS name
  • Recognises and responds to unhealthy instances

ELB: Options

Application Load Balancer


  • Flexible application management
  • Advanced load balancing of HTTP and HTTPS traffic
  • Operates at the request level (Layer 7)
  • Support content-based routing and applications that run in containers
  • Check the health of their targets (instances or containers)
  • Best used with websites and mobile apps

Network Load Balancer


  • Extreme performance and static IP for your application
  • Load balancing of TCP, TLS, and UDP traffic
  • Operates at the connection level (Layer 4)
  • Ideal for balancing TCP traffic
  • Are optimized to handle sudden and volatile traffic patterns while using a single static IP address per Availability Zone
  • Are designed to handle tens of millions of requests per second while maintaining high throughput at ultra-low latency, with no effort on your part

Classic Load Balancer

  • Existing application that was built within EC2 Classic network
  • Operates at both the request level and connection level
  • Support load balancing across multiple Availability Zones

Why use ELB

  • High availability
  • Health checks
  • Security features
  • TLS termination

Connection Draining

If you need to remove an instance from your production fleet, but don’t want to affect your users:

Affected backend instances will complete requests in progress before deregistration


AWS Global Infrastructure

In oreder to deliver contetn to users,Amazon CloudFront uses

  • 10+ Regional Edge Caches
  • 80+ Edge Locations
  • (number increases as well)
  • benefits: lower latency, improve access speed to interact with web apps.
  • e.g. Web server is in Singapore, User in New York. Can use CloudFront to cache content in New York locally.

  • Edge locations
    • locations around the world that they can serve your website from with CloudFront.
    • more than 225 points of presence, in 88 cities across 45 countries.

Amazon CloudFront Overview

CDN → Content Delivery Network

  • Content delivery networks provide a globally-distributed network of proxy servers that cache content. (e.g. web videos, bulky media). → more locally to consumers. → Improve access speed.
  • Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery network operated by AWS.


  • Global, Growing Network
  • Secure Content at the Edge
  • Deep Integration with Key AWS Services
  • High Performance
  • Cost effective
  • Easy to use

Configure a CDN

  • AWS Console → CloudFront → Create Distribution → Choose type (RTMP for video streaming, Web for usual content delivery) → Set one origin and one behaviour(origin can be S3, or app outside of AWS; Behaviour matches URL patterns you want to associate with that origin)

Use cases

  • Static Asset Caching
  • Live and On-Demand Video Streaming
  • Security and DDoS Protection
  • Dynamic and Customized Content
  • API Acceleration
  • Software Distribution

Whiteboard structure of VPC with brand new concepts


We discussed about the Networking on AWS last week. The next thing we want to talk about is another major benefit of AWS.— Scalability & Elasticity

Or how capacity can grow and shrink based on your business needs

Useful Resources: