Github Pages + Jekyll搭建极简博客

Posted by Lanzhou on March 17, 2021

今天终于建起了一个看起来还挺好用的Tech blog,开心。 参考的视频是Youtube王爵老师的视频 “Jekyll博客系列”

在follow教程安装Jekyll的过程中也遇到了一些问题,比如更新ruby的版本,安装rvm等等,把今天制作Tech blog的开发过程记录一下。


brew install ruby
sudo gem install jekyll
sudo gem install jekyll bundler


如果装过ruby了可以用ruby -v来检查ruby的当前版本。 在install jekyll的时候发现当前ruby是2.3.7但需要ruby更新的版本。

首先需要安装rvm(ruby version manager),根据RVM安装说明(Installing RVM)首先需要“install GPG keys used to verify installation package”,但使用安装说明给出的代码 pgp --keyserver hkp:// ...可能会出现这样的error:gpg: keyserver receive failed: No route to host


gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB

curl -L | bash -s stable

然后就可以继续根据这篇教程“How to update from ruby 2.3 to 2.6”把ruby更新成2.6.1的版本啦。

现在应该可以成功安装Jekyll了,恭喜!✿✿ヽ(°▽°)ノ✿ (安装RVM的过程卡了我好久……)


这一部分也是根据王爵老师的教程。“Jekyll 博客系列 - 01 快速入门” 在想存放myblog的文件夹中

jekyll new myblog
cd myblog/
sudo bundle install


bundle exec jekyll serve

然后根据log去Server address访问就好: Server address:

可以修改_config.yml文件和_posts里的内容,添加新的博文。 可以添加一个新的文件夹_drafts用于放草稿。 添加模板等等更多内容可以看教程,网上很多。

使用Github Pages来发布博客

在Github上创建一个新的repo,名字是XXX.github.io就可以了,XXX是github用户名。 然后进入myblog文件夹:

git init
git add .
git commit -m "<commit message>"
git remote add origin<github-username>/<github-username>
git push

然后就可以在github-username.github.io看到自己的博客页面了! ✿✿ヽ(°▽°)ノ✿



Title: Welcome to Jekyll!

You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run jekyll serve, which launches a web server and auto-regenerates your site when a file is updated.

Jekyll requires blog post files to be named according to the following format:


Where YEAR is a four-digit number, MONTH and DAY are both two-digit numbers, and MARKUP is the file extension representing the format used in the file. After that, include the necessary front matter. Take a look at the source for this post to get an idea about how it works.

Jekyll also offers powerful support for code snippets:

def print_hi(name)
  puts "Hi, #{name}"
#=> prints 'Hi, Tom' to STDOUT.

Check out the Jekyll docs for more info on how to get the most out of Jekyll. File all bugs/feature requests at Jekyll’s GitHub repo. If you have questions, you can ask them on Jekyll Talk.